Our Mission
Aviva believes every child and every family in our Los Angeles community deserves the chance for a brighter future. We provide compassionate support, therapeutic services, and guidance to at-risk children and families.
Our Clients, Our Communities
For Angeleno children and families whose needs are underestimated and unmet, Aviva provides the care they need. We help families and children (ages birth to 21), the overwhelming majority of whom come from homes well below the federal poverty level. While no two circumstances are alike, Aviva’s clients face multiple sources of disadvantage, discrimination and marginalization.
Our Services
We are a nonprofit, non-sectarian 501(c)(3) organization. Our work is based on a foundation of integrity, transformation, collaboration and compassion. We provide a continuum of care with direct services across four main program areas:
-Mental Health
-Crisis Intervention
-Foster Care and Adoption
-Interim Supportive Housing for Women and Children