Hollywood Heritage, the Hollywood community’s preservation group devoted to the protection of Hollywood’s physical historic environment, recently celebrated its 35th anniversary as an organization and its 30 year anniversary as the steward of one of the industry’s most famous landmarks, the Lasky-DeMille Barn/Hollywood Heritage Museum (“Barn”).
Recognizing that “the past is our heritage, the present is our responsibility, and the future is our concern”, the group advocates for the protection of historic structures in Hollywood, particularly those associated with the film industry. It works with owners to provide technical assistance and incentives to preserve their properties.
Operating as an organization which relies on volunteers, Hollywood Heritage has involved over 175 people on its board of directors and thousands as docents, caretakers, and event staff and producers.
Co-founders Frances Offenhauser and Christy Johnson McAvoy remain active with the organization. They are two of five women who along with former Los Angeles county Supervisor John Anson Ford, were determined to raise awareness about the history of Hollywood and the stories of its architecturally significant buildings and neighborhoods.
The organization’s Barn will add an outdoor exhibit to showcase the making of silent films in 1913, and additional exterior interpretive signage. Additional program and event information is available on its website at hollywoodheritage.org.
Located directly across from the Hollywood Bowl, we offer free parking in Lot ''D''. From Highland Ave., enter off of either Camrose/Milner heading north or Odin St. if you are heading south.