Women In Media promotes gender balance in the film and entertainment industries through networking, professional development, and advocacy for filmmakers who work above and below the line.
We are a 501(c)(3) Charity ~ EIN# 82-1807178
Women In Media started as an informal networking group of likeminded people of all genders who wanted to network with more women. We continuously outgrew our venues until it became undeniable in 2016 that more people felt as we did. It was time for the entertainment industry to change in a lasting and sustainable way.
In 2017, we became a non profit and expanded our mission and services to include more networking events, education, and initiatives, propelling us closer to 40% – 60% women in every crew, every department, every show. Our goal is a more respectful, inclusive, and balanced workplace for all genders. This will be achieved when all productions reach gender balance behind the scenes and in front of the camera.
Women in Media evolved into a membership-based organization, hosting professional development panels and screenings, with a presence at top tier film festivals and conferences around the world.
In 2021, we expanded membership to welcome all genders at multiple levels of involvement.