Message from Chair Discusses Moving Hollywood's Agenda Forward
As a native “Hollywoodian”, having been born at Kaiser on Sunset, it is an honor for me to be your new Chair of the Board. As a Hollywood hotelier for the past 37 years and at the Hollywood Hotel for the past 24 years, I have hosted millions of guests from every country around the world who remind me daily why they come to this magical place we call Hollywood.
I do what I do for the love of Hollywood. I believe it is incumbent on me to help preserve the crossroads of Hollywood ideals and the place that I call home. There is no better place to do that than to be involved in the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
We face some real challenges in this new Chamber fiscal year, but we also draw upon unequaled greatness to address them – and we have some of the most diverse, talented, creative and innovative volunteers anywhere. So I may be calling on your assistance.
As I look at the year ahead, nothing is more important than the Hollywood Community Plan Update. It has been delayed now for five years due to lawsuits. This is something really needed by the community – by both the business community and the residential community. An updated plan is needed to protect everyone’s interests. If you want to stop spot zoning, then you need a new community plan. So let’s get the job done this year!
We must still press on for CEQA reform. That is the California Environmental Quality Act for those not familiar with it. What was once a commendable and praiseworthy concept has devolved into an abusive system to kill worthy projects or to shake down developers for money. This is no way to build a great city and state. Our public officials in Sacramento need to get serious about needed reforms. The blame for the affordable housing crisis in this state lies at their feet because they have refused to address CEQA.
Regarding membership, I want us to develop a way to enlarge the Hollywood tent and to bring new businesses into the Chamber fold. We represent their interests anyway, so let’s find a way to include them all.
Let me conclude by saying that I need your active support and involvement because we all believe Hollywood is worth fighting for. We are only limited by the number of volunteers we have working on issues. If you can’t offer your time, then contribute financially to our many initiatives. There is something everyone can do. I’m ready to fight for our Hollywood and its future, and so I ask you, are YOU ready to also fight for Hollywood?
I really look forward to working with you all in this new year. I know we can accomplish a lot in moving Hollywood’s agenda forward.
Jeff Zarrinnam
Chair of the Board, 2017-18
About the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
For more than 96 years, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has provided leadership, business development resources, networking, and government affairs programs and services to keep the Hollywood business and residential communities safe, relevant and economically vital. Jeff Zarrinnam of Hollywood Hotel, is the Chair of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2016-17, and Leron Gubler is the President/CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. For more information please visit
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